BibTeX entry
key = {InfinitudeofPrimesUsingFormalLanguageTheory},
type = {article},
title = {Infinitude of Primes Using Formal Language Theory},
author = {Aalok Thakkar},
abstract = {Formal languages are sets of strings of symbols described by a set of rules
specific to them. In this note, we discuss a certain class of formal languages,
called regular languages, and put forward some elementary results. The
properties of these languages are then employed to prove that there are
infinitely many prime numbers.},
comment = {},
date_added = {2020-05-25},
date_published = {2020-02-12},
urls = {,},
collections = {about-proof,basically-computer-science,easily-explained,fun-maths-facts,integerology},
url = {},
year = 2020,
urldate = {2020-05-25},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2005.10372},
primaryClass = {cs.FL}