BibTeX entry
key = {item49},
type = {misc},
title = {Maximum Matching and a Polyhedron With 0,1-Vertices},
author = {Jack Edmonds},
abstract = {A matching in a graph {\$}G{\$} is a subset of edges in {\$}G{\$} such that no two meet the same node in {\$}G{\$}. The convex polyhedron {\$}C{\$} is characterised, where the extreme points of {\$}C{\$} correspond to the matchings in {\$}G{\$}. Where each edge of {\$}G{\$} carries a real numerical weight, an efficient algorithm is described for finding a matching in {\$}G{\$} with maximum weight-sum.},
comment = {},
date_added = {2015-03-07},
date_published = {1964-03-06},
urls = {{\_}A1b.pdf},
collections = {},
url = {{\_}A1b.pdf},
urldate = {2015-03-07},
year = 1964