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Two-dimensional photonic aperiodic crystals based on Thue-Morse sequence

Article by Luigi Moretti and Vito Mocella
  • Published in 2007
  • Added on
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We investigate from a theoretical point of view the photonic properties of a two dimensional photonic aperiodic crystal. These structures are obtained by removing the lattice points from a square arrangement, following the inflation rules emerging from the Thue-Morse sequence. The photonic bandgap analysis is performed by means of the density of states calculation. The mechanism of bandgap formation is investigated adopting the single scattering model, and the Mie scattering. The electromagnetic field distribution can be represented as quasi-localized states. Finally, a generalized method to obtain aperiodic photonic structures has been proposed.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {TwodimensionalphotonicaperiodiccrystalsbasedonThueMorsesequence},
	type = {article},
	title = {Two-dimensional photonic aperiodic crystals based on Thue-Morse sequence},
	author = {Luigi Moretti and Vito Mocella },
	abstract = {We investigate from a theoretical point of view the photonic properties of a two dimensional photonic aperiodic crystal. These structures are obtained by removing the lattice points from a square arrangement, following the inflation rules emerging from the Thue-Morse sequence. The photonic bandgap analysis is performed by means of the density of states calculation. The mechanism of bandgap formation is investigated adopting the single scattering model, and the Mie scattering. The electromagnetic field distribution can be represented as quasi-localized states. Finally, a generalized method to obtain aperiodic photonic structures has been proposed.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2017-11-13},
	date_published = {2007-02-19},
	urls = {},
	collections = {Basically physics,Geometry},
	url = {},
	urldate = {2017-11-13},
	year = 2007