Interesting Esoterica

There are not Exactly Five Objects

Article by Andreas Blass
  • Published in 1984
  • Added on
In the collection
The purpose of this note is to present a solution to a problem posed informally by A. Wilkie at the 1977 ASL meeting in Wrocław: Formulate "the cardinality of the universe is not exactly five" as a Horn sentence. Although this solution is not new -- I found it and M. Morley found another solution during the same meeting -- continuing sporadic inquiries about it suggest that its publication may be appropriate, even at this late date.


Other information

The Journal of Symbolic Logic

BibTeX entry

	key = {TherearenotExactlyFiveObjects},
	type = {article},
	title = {There are not Exactly Five Objects},
	author = {Andreas Blass},
	abstract = {The purpose of this note is to present a solution to a problem posed informally by A. Wilkie at the 1977 ASL meeting in Wroc{\l}aw: Formulate "the cardinality of the universe is not exactly five" as a Horn sentence. Although this solution is not new -- I found it and M. Morley found another solution during the same meeting -- continuing sporadic inquiries about it suggest that its publication may be appropriate, even at this late date.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2020-09-21},
	date_published = {1984-03-06},
	urls = {{\#}metadata{\_}info{\_}tab{\_}contents},
	collections = {attention-grabbing-titles},
	url = {{\#}metadata{\_}info{\_}tab{\_}contents},
	urldate = {2020-09-21},
	year = 1984,
	journal = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic}