Interesting Esoterica

SET with a Twist

Article by Cathy Hsu, Jonah Ostroff and Lucas Van Meter
  • Published in 2021
  • Added on
If you can’t get enough of the card game SET and enjoyed our version of Projective SET (see “Projectivizing Set” in the April 2020 issue of this magazine), then get excited, because we are back with another round of variations on the game. This time, we’ll explore the game from a purely algebraic perspective. This article is self-contained—so feel free to just keep reading—but we encourage you to check out our last article for a more geometric take on game modifications.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {SETwithaTwist},
	type = {article},
	title = {SET with a Twist},
	author = {Cathy Hsu, Jonah Ostroff and Lucas Van Meter},
	abstract = {If you can’t get enough of the card game SET and enjoyed our version of Projective SET (see “Projectivizing Set” in the April 2020 issue of this magazine), then get excited, because we are back with another round of variations on the game. This time, we’ll explore the game from a purely algebraic perspective. This article is self-contained—so feel free to just keep reading—but we encourage you to check out our last article for a more geometric take on game modifications.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2021-08-29},
	date_published = {2021-02-12},
	urls = {},
	collections = {easily-explained,games-to-play-with-friends,the-groups-group},
	url = {},
	year = 2021,
	urldate = {2021-08-29}