Interesting Esoterica

Math Counterexamples

Web page by Jean-Pierre Merx
  • Published in 2014
  • Added on
In the collection
I initiated this website because for years I have been passionated about Mathematics as a hobby and also by “strange objects”. Mathematical counterexamples combine both topics. The first counterexample I was exposed with is the one of an unbounded positive continuous function with a convergent integral. I took time to find such a counterexample… but that was a positive experience to raise my interest in counterexamples. According to Wikipedia a counterexample is an exception to a proposed general rule or law. And in mathematics, it is (by a slight abuse) also sometimes used for examples illustrating the necessity of the full hypothesis of a theorem, by considering a case where a part of the hypothesis is not verified, and where one can show that the conclusion does not hold. By extension, I call a counterexample any example whose role is not that of illustrating a true theorem. For instance, a polynomial as an example of a continuous function is not a counterexample, but a polynomial as an example of a function that fails to be bounded or of a function that fails to be periodic is a counterexample. While I’m particularly interested in Topology and Analysis, I will also try to cover Logic and Algebra counterexamples.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {MathCounterexamples},
	type = {online},
	title = {Math Counterexamples},
	author = {Jean-Pierre Merx},
	abstract = {I initiated this website because for years I have been passionated about Mathematics as a hobby and also by “strange objects”. Mathematical counterexamples combine both topics.

The first counterexample I was exposed with is the one of an unbounded positive continuous function with a convergent integral. I took time to find such a counterexample… but that was a positive experience to raise my interest in counterexamples.

According to Wikipedia a counterexample is an exception to a proposed general rule or law. And in mathematics, it is (by a slight abuse) also sometimes used for examples illustrating the necessity of the full hypothesis of a theorem, by considering a case where a part of the hypothesis is not verified, and where one can show that the conclusion does not hold.

By extension, I call a counterexample any example whose role is not that of illustrating a true theorem. For instance, a polynomial as an example of a continuous function is not a counterexample, but a polynomial as an example of a function that fails to be bounded or of a function that fails to be periodic is a counterexample.

While I’m particularly interested in Topology and Analysis, I will also try to cover Logic and Algebra counterexamples.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2018-05-09},
	date_published = {2014-03-06},
	urls = {},
	collections = {Lists and catalogues},
	url = {},
	year = 2014,
	urldate = {2018-05-09}