BibTeX entry
key = {Homotopytypetheorythelogicofspace},
type = {article},
title = {Homotopy type theory: the logic of space},
author = {Michael Shulman},
abstract = {This is an introduction to type theory, synthetic topology, and homotopy type
theory from a category-theoretic and topological point of view, written as a
chapter for the book "New Spaces for Mathematics and Physics" (ed. Gabriel
Catren and Mathieu Anel).},
comment = {},
date_added = {2017-05-03},
date_published = {2017-03-06},
urls = {,},
collections = {},
url = {},
urldate = {2017-05-03},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1703.03007},
primaryClass = {math.CT},
year = 2017