Interesting Esoterica

Fingerprint databases for theorems

Article by Sara C. Billey and Bridget E. Tenner
  • Published in 2013
  • Added on
We discuss the advantages of searchable, collaborative, language-independent databases of mathematical results, indexed by "fingerprints" of small and canonical data. Our motivating example is Neil Sloane's massively influential On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. We hope to encourage the greater mathematical community to search for the appropriate fingerprints within each discipline, and to compile fingerprint databases of results wherever possible. The benefits of these databases are broad - advancing the state of knowledge, enhancing experimental mathematics, enabling researchers to discover unexpected connections between areas, and even improving the refereeing process for journal publication.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {Fingerprintdatabasesfortheorems},
	type = {article},
	title = {Fingerprint databases for theorems},
	author = {Sara C. Billey and Bridget E. Tenner},
	abstract = {We discuss the advantages of searchable, collaborative, language-independent
databases of mathematical results, indexed by "fingerprints" of small and
canonical data. Our motivating example is Neil Sloane's massively influential
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. We hope to encourage the greater
mathematical community to search for the appropriate fingerprints within each
discipline, and to compile fingerprint databases of results wherever possible.
The benefits of these databases are broad - advancing the state of knowledge,
enhancing experimental mathematics, enabling researchers to discover unexpected
connections between areas, and even improving the refereeing process for
journal publication.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2018-02-12},
	date_published = {2013-03-26},
	urls = {,},
	collections = {Lists and catalogues,The act of doing maths},
	url = {},
	year = 2013,
	urldate = {2018-02-12},
	archivePrefix = {arXiv},
	eprint = {1304.3866},
	primaryClass = {math.HO}