BibTeX entry
key = {DevelopingaMathematicalModelforBobbinLace},
type = {article},
title = {Developing a Mathematical Model for Bobbin Lace},
author = {Veronika Irvine and Frank Ruskey},
abstract = {Bobbin lace is a fibre art form in which intricate and delicate patterns are
created by braiding together many threads. An overview of how bobbin lace is
made is presented and illustrated with a simple, traditional bookmark design.
Research on the topology of textiles and braid theory form a base for the
current work and is briefly summarized. We define a new mathematical model that
supports the enumeration and generation of bobbin lace patterns using an
intelligent combinatorial search. Results of this new approach are presented
and, by comparison to existing bobbin lace patterns, it is demonstrated that
this model reveals new patterns that have never been seen before. Finally, we
apply our new patterns to an original bookmark design and propose future areas
for exploration.},
comment = {},
date_added = {2016-11-28},
date_published = {2014-03-26},
urls = {,},
collections = {Art,Geometry,Modelling},
url = {},
urldate = {2016-11-28},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1406.1532},
primaryClass = {math.CO},
year = 2014