Interesting Esoterica

Cryptographic Protocols with Everyday Objects

Article by James Heather and Steve Schneider and Vanessa Teague
  • Published in 2011
  • Added on
Most security protocols appearing in the literature make use of cryptographic primitives that assume that the participants have access to some sort of computational device. However, there are times when there is need for a security mechanism to evaluate some result without leaking sensitive information, but computational devices are unavailable. We discuss here various protocols for solving cryptographic problems using everyday objects: coins, dice, cards, and envelopes.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {CryptographicProtocolsWithEverydayObjects},
	type = {article},
	title = {Cryptographic Protocols with Everyday Objects},
	author = {James Heather and Steve Schneider and Vanessa Teague},
	abstract = {Most security protocols appearing in the literature make use of cryptographic primitives that assume that the participants have access
to some sort of computational device. 

However, there are times when there is need for a security mechanism
to evaluate some result without leaking sensitive information, but computational devices are unavailable. We discuss here various protocols for
solving cryptographic problems using everyday objects: coins, dice, cards, and envelopes.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2016-11-17},
	date_published = {2011-02-19},
	urls = {},
	collections = {Easily explained,Protocols and strategies,Things to make and do},
	url = {},
	urldate = {2016-11-17},
	year = 2011