Interesting Esoterica

Conway's Tiling Groups on JSTOR

Article by William P. Thurston
  • Published in 1990
  • Added on
John Conway disovered a technique using infinite, finitely presented groups that in a number of interesting cases resolves the question of whether a region in the plane can be tessellated by given tiles. The idea is that the tiles can be interpreted as describing relators in a group, in such a way that the plane region can be tiled, only if the group element which describes the boundary of the region is the trivial element 1.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {ConwaysTilingGroupsonJSTOR},
	type = {article},
	title = {Conway's Tiling Groups on JSTOR},
	author = {William P. Thurston},
	abstract = {John Conway disovered a technique using infinite, finitely presented groups that in a number of interesting cases resolves the question of whether a region in the plane can be tessellated by given tiles. The idea is that the tiles can be interpreted as describing relators in a group, in such a way that the plane region can be tiled, only if the group element which describes the boundary of the region is the trivial element 1.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2020-04-15},
	date_published = {1990-03-26},
	urls = {},
	collections = {Fun maths facts,Geometry,The groups group},
	url = {},
	year = 1990,
	urldate = {2020-04-15}