Interesting Esoterica

A unique pair of triangles

Article by Yoshinosuke Hirakawa and Hideki Matsumura
  • Published in 2018
  • Added on
A rational triangle is a triangle with sides of rational lengths. In this short note, we prove that there exists a unique pair of a rational right triangle and a rational isosceles triangle which have the same perimeter and the same area. In the proof, we determine the set of rational points on a certain hyperelliptic curve by a standard but sophisticated argument which is based on the 2-descent on its Jacobian variety and Coleman's theory of $p$-adic abelian integrals.


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BibTeX entry

	key = {Auniquepairoftriangles},
	type = {article},
	title = {A unique pair of triangles},
	author = {Yoshinosuke Hirakawa and Hideki Matsumura},
	abstract = {A rational triangle is a triangle with sides of rational lengths. In this
short note, we prove that there exists a unique pair of a rational right
triangle and a rational isosceles triangle which have the same perimeter and
the same area. In the proof, we determine the set of rational points on a
certain hyperelliptic curve by a standard but sophisticated argument which is
based on the 2-descent on its Jacobian variety and Coleman's theory of {\$}p{\$}-adic
abelian integrals.},
	comment = {},
	date_added = {2019-12-10},
	date_published = {2018-02-19},
	urls = {,},
	collections = {Easily explained,Fun maths facts,Geometry},
	url = {},
	year = 2018,
	urldate = {2019-12-10},
	archivePrefix = {arXiv},
	eprint = {1809.09936},
	primaryClass = {math.NT}