An integral's journey over the real line
- Published in 2021
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In the collection
In 1826 Cauchy presented an Integral over the real line. Al and I thought a derivation would be mighty fine. So we packed our contour integral bags that day, and we now present an analytic continuation this time.
Other information
- key
- Anintegralsjourneyovertherealline
- type
- article
- date_added
- 2021-04-20
- date_published
- 2021-02-12
BibTeX entry
@article{Anintegralsjourneyovertherealline, key = {Anintegralsjourneyovertherealline}, type = {article}, title = {An integral's journey over the real line}, author = {Robert Reynolds and Allan Stauffer}, abstract = {In 1826 Cauchy presented an Integral over the real line. Al and I thought a derivation would be mighty fine. So we packed our contour integral bags that day, and we now present an analytic continuation this time.}, comment = {}, date_added = {2021-04-20}, date_published = {2021-02-12}, urls = {,}, collections = {the-act-of-doing-maths}, url = {}, urldate = {2021-04-20}, year = 2021, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2103.03355}, primaryClass = {math.GM} }