BibTeX entry
key = {ASpaceEfficientAlgorithmfortheCalculationoftheDigitDistributionintheKolakoskiSequence},
type = {article},
title = {A Space Efficient Algorithm for the Calculation of the Digit Distribution in the Kolakoski Sequence},
author = {Johan Nilsson},
abstract = {With standard algorithms for generating the classical Kolakoski sequence, the
numerical calculation of the digit distribution requires a linear amount of
space. Here, we present an algorithm for calculating the distribution of the
digits in the classical Kolakoski sequence, that only requires a logarithmic
amount of space and still runs in linear time. The algorithm is easily
adaptable to generalised Kolakoski sequences.},
comment = {},
date_added = {2016-10-14},
date_published = {2011-03-06},
urls = {,},
collections = {},
url = {},
urldate = {2016-10-14},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1110.4228},
primaryClass = {math.CO},
year = 2011